Friday, March 4, 2011
My Dad had surgery today
We found out my Dad had stage IV colon cancer shortly after my daughter was born. He was in training to reintegrate into the army after being out for 16 years. My Dad was able to take leave to come see us about a week after she was born (3 weeks early) having planned to be there for 2 weeks before hoping to catch the birth of his first granddaughter. He was having lots of intestinal problems his whole visit... and I tried to convince him to see a doctor here since we are at the largest army base in the continental US. He didn't want to get stuck here... he wanted to finish his training and finish his career.
So about June was when we found out... its been a lot of ups and downs since then, nearly 2 years now... its been a strain on him in every way... emotionally for the rest of the family. His marriage has suffered. And that's me being impartial because he is married to my mother and has been for 27 years!
Most of the time he just wants to be taken care of and my mother is not the type but has tried. But is also weary of it.
The surgery today was something he hoped would make him cancer free and not have to go back for chemo. But, he still has a lymph node full of cancer.
Nobody wants their Dad to die and especially me, a Daddy's girl. But you know why I don't want him to die?
My Dad convinced each and every one of his 4 girls that each individual girl was his favorite. We believed it! I want my children to feel so special and loved too. I want them to each believe they are his favorite grandchild. And I want them to realize as an adult that here was a man who had a big enough heart to have many favorites.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
My lil fluffer nuffer
I take her to the park almost every day...look at her little mane... time to get her hair under control...
It is so cottony. I am hoping it will all fall out and come in like her sister's. But my hair is crappy so it's probably gonna stay that way. We will figure it out over time. I won't let her hair be bad.